Manga Studio Tutorial: Draw and ink

In this guide I will show you how to create and ink a new illustration with Manga Studio!

Disegnare ed Inchiostrare

Manga Studio

After opening manga studio, select File > New > Page.

manga studio file

The page settings window will appear. We can use the default ones or create a customized one (my suggestion is to try all the defaults at least one time to know them). Now we are going to choose default B4 25×36.

page setting

new page

Once the page has been created, in the Layers window on the right, click on “new layer” and then a little new window will pop up, where we can set up our new layer as we want.

new layer

manga studio

After the new layer has been created, click on the pencil tool on the left panel, and then on the pop-up menu on the right we can set it up as we want.

custom tools pencil

In the Layer 2 create the basis of our work.

base drawing

Once we are satisfied of our draft, change its color from black to blue so we can draw the finished image without being confused by the draft.
Double click on the layer to be color-changed.

layers color

Then the Layer properties panel will pop up and we will click Advanced View.

manga studio ex

In the proprerties sheet, select Color.

base drawing color

Doing that, our guide lines will become blue or the color we have chosen.

base colored

Now draw the definitive parts of our drawing in Layer 1.

scraps drawing

Once the lineart has been drawn, change the layer color to this one too.
Now we are ready to put “real ink” on our drawing. If you want you can even “turn the page”, as a real mangaka.

turn page

Now we start using the nib. Like the pencil, you can choose the size you want or customize it.
There are already a lot of famous nibs like g, maru, kabura and school pen. It’s true. Ink a drawing with a graphic tablet is a bit difficoult, but you can always undo :D.

ink drawing

Now, create a new layer and begin put the ink, drawing straight lines with a firm hand; don’t worry to cross lines, we will correct them once the ink process is finished. You can even reach a real-like effect.

drawing ink

Now that you have created your first illustration with Manga Studio EX, you can try adding screen tones!

What? You can’t do it? Umh… nice to hear it!

Just wait our next tutorial!

Thanks to Giorgio “Jojo” Battisti for the creation of the Manga Studio EX Tutorial!
Go to see his blog and his drawings!

Tutorial Manga Studio II: Using screen tones!

manga studio retini